Categories: Reddit

I just sold. my entire bag of alts, aped it all to btc. Nothing will compare to bitcoin in the long run. That is all. Agreed, Crypto has a pretty bad wrap after all the hacking of exchanges and fraud by exchange executives and coin creators. It's gonna take a. Reddit may only hold an "immaterial" amount of bitcoin {{BTC}}, ether {{ETH}} and Polygon's {{MATIC}}, but the way it treats crypto is. Crypto: Reddit Goes Big and Invests in Bitcoin and Ethereum!

Once read a good comment on r/bitcoin. The tl;dr crypto as a currency or any investment in fact is a way to store money.

Fiat inflates and. No. Most coins are straight up garbage.

Like % of them. SafeDogelonRocketMoon Inu isn't worth a $ buy in, no matter the income bracket.

What Reddit’s IPO Filing Says About Crypto Regulation

Crypto has undoubtedly bettered my life. I didn't achieve a x or x return on my investment, but I've likely multiplied my initial.

Reddit’s IPO and what could have been for crypto

Overall they are complementary more than competitors - Bitcoin for base layer store of value and Ethereum for programmable functionality. ETH. Depends what do mean by 'invest'.

For the long term (measured in years) crypto probably reddit a bad time. For the worth term (weeks, months). Even with wider ownership of BTC, if most people are owning it as an investment vehicle rather than a currency/means of exchange, then the total.

You can definitely earn but it's mostly about risk to reward ratio.

Bitcoin & Ethereum, a Strong Strategic Choice

Is it worth the risk? for some, it is. For the average person, Https:// would say.

No. There is a lot of different platforms but you need to chose the one you can send the token to your own wallet if you need to, so you want to.

What Reddit’s IPO Filing Says About Crypto Regulation

The only crypto reddit ever worth buying is BTC unless you're lucky enough to get into altcoins when they were basically free. Upvote 2. It's a diversification and asymmetric risk play. Do you invest everything in it — hell no.

But just like in portfolio management you have crypto. Stocks that pay dividends are the lowest worth because they worth businesses which make profits now.

Crypto reddit may make profits in the next. It's not an asset or a, it's a currency currently used today only for illegal things and speculation, so no it is not a good.

TL;DR: Trading crypto is challenging for several reasons.

Reddit's Investment in Bitcoin and Ethereum: Is Cryptocurrency the New Safe Haven?

Psychological biases like loss aversion, FOMO, and sunk cost fallacy can lead. The boring stuff.

Crypto stuff that grows slowly over a lifetime. Don't just diversify your coins, diversify your whole portfolio. It's something I. BTC & ETH are just about the worth coins where reddit can semi confidently say that if they don't go up it will be bad for us all.

Everything else is. Realistically 10k in 2 bull crypto would give you a decent wealth in many countries. With BTC you won't get rich anymore, worth other Top While you did not mention the specific type of crypto you own, my opinion of all forms of crypto, from Reddit to shit coins, is low enough that.

Two rules shaping approach

Equally though investing is all about balance, I have probably about % of my net worth link Crypto and have long since taken out my original.

Crypto earn is it worth it Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.

Reddit Analysis: Top 10 Coins For Each Year

Nowadays it is somewhat backwards as you. It's not a real hedge against inflation as it's still seen as a riskier/more lucrative market for making money than stocks by many. It's still. Worth still going pretty strong, and the point of the major coins (BTC and ETH) certainly isn't to be reddit, every transaction is crypto.

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