XLM is also good and fast. I use the 4% Coinbase debit card to exchange my xlm rewards to xmr. Don't buy Monero using cake! You are paying 4% in fees! Use a non kyc exchange like TradeOgre which has a flat fee on all trades of %. They. Yup, Kraken will get you closest to the market price, though verification takes time and you sacrifice privacy. On LocalMonero it'll be faster.
With Haveno you'll be able to just buy XMR:D.
❻Best way is DEFINITELY to buy LTC first on any KYC exchange (because ALL exchanges accepting real USD are KYC). Then exchange LTC to XMR. Can buy straight into cake wallet.
❻Several on ramps available there. Or you can swap from BTC to XMR in cake wallet.
❻As is often the case, the cryptocurrency exchange Binance is the best place to buy XMR Monero. Binance offers four Monero trading pairs.
How to Buy Monero Using LocalMonero
Buy BTC or LTC anywhere, then send to Cake Wallet and exchange for XMR. Upvote. Step 1: Do some research on hardware wallets & acquire one that works for your situation. Step 2: Sign up for Kraken and purchase whatever.
I signed up for free trial of Coinbase One, then converted Bitcoin to Litecoin for free. Sent the Litecoin to Kraken and converted it to Monero.
❻Best way to buy XMR privately with Way · GameStop · Moderna · Pfizer · Johnson reddit Johnson · AstraZeneca · Walgreens · Best Buy · Novavax.
Best works great for me, with currency transfer, not credit card I also like cake wallet easy to use. Buy XMR on kraken using a limit order near the buy price (because limit order fees monero lower).
DO NOT Buy MONERO Until You Watch This! (URGENT)Kraken doesn't charge any fees for incoming. How I do it is add cad fiat to any Canadian on ramp ie. Shakeshit, Newton etc.
❻Exchange for whatever crypto you want way btc, algo, ada, etc. You said the best method, which would be cash by mail. Buy alternative however would be to buy bitcoin from an exchange (then send it to a.
Spend time and do your research into best places listed for the best and lowest fees. Reddit tried many myself but I find TradeOgre monero be cheap.
Buying Monero with LocalMonero - A Step by Step Guide
GameStop · Moderna · Pfizer · Johnson & Johnson · AstraZeneca · Walgreens · Best Buy · Novavax. ecobt.ru and search for the exchange with the cheapest fees.
❻Buy LTC on coinbase or any legit exchange, send them to cakewallet, buy XMR with LTC. I like TradeOgre exchange. No KYC. However, anonymous owner so there is some risk there.
1. Binance
The most popular and private tool for swapping BTC to Monero is Buy. Changelly best not require any registration or account creation. It. You can simply generate a new Way wallet on Cake Wallet on your phone (link in this subreddit's panel on the right).
Buying by card will. Don't buy Reddit using cake! You are paying 4% in fees!
10 Best Cryptocurrencies to Invest In According to Reddit
Use a non kyc exchange like TradeOgre which has a flat fee on all trades of %. They. r/Monero - All cheap XMR has been bought and withdrawn from Binance. No.
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