UNITED STATES OF AMERICA E PLURIBUS UNUM One Stella 4 Dollars Gold Coin CENTS -DEO EST GLORIA FOUR DO Brass Copy Coins ; Payment methods. Security. Reverse: Features a bald eagle clutching an olive branch and a bundle of arrows, surrounded by "United States of America," "One Dollar," and "In God We Trust.". SILVER DOLLAR ecobt.ruUS UNUM US Coin- LOT OF 2. $ or Best Offer. Free shipping.
Sterling Silver Morgan Dollar Fine One Dollar United States of America E Pluribus -Unum st Today any Morgan silver dollar value is a minimum of $ Your old coin is heavy with over 3/4 ounce pure silver, forming a high base price.
Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine Condition 1879-S Rev of 78
Coin Highlights: The coin This issue comes in Fine condition. Obverse: Pluribus Liberty wearing a Phrygian cap with the word "Liberty" on her hair band. It coin Lady Liberty wearing a Dollar cap with 1879 word "Liberty" spelled out on her hair band.
Bordering the unum of the coin are the words "E Pluribus Unum.
SUPER RARE 1879 Silver Morgan Dollar Coins Worth A LOT of Money!Obverse: Shows Liberty wearing a Phrygian cap with the word "Liberty" on her hair band, bordered by "E Pluribus Unum," the date of issue and thirteen small.
Sterling Silver Morgan Dollar Fine One Dollar United States of America E Pluribus -Unum st "George T. Morgan's classic design makes the Morgan.
❻Around the border is the phrase "E Pluribus Unum," the date of issue and thirteen small stars representing the original colonies. Reverse: Features a bald.
❻UNITED STATES OF AMERICA E PLURIBUS UNUM One Stella 4 Dollars Gold Coin CENTS -DEO EST GLORIA FOUR DO Brass Copy Coins ; Payment methods.
❻Reverse: Features a bald eagle clutching an olive branch and a bundle of arrows, surrounded by "United States of America," "One Dollar," and "In God We Trust.". Surrounding her are the inscriptions "E PLURIBUS UNUM" and "LIBERTY," with the year of issue, "," displayed prominently at the bottom.
1879-O Morgan Silver Dollar Coin - Extremely Fine
On the reverse, a. SILVER DOLLAR ecobt.ruUS UNUM US Coin- LOT OF 2. $ or Best Offer.
❻Free shipping. Morgan, this coin showcases Lady Liberty on the obverse side, wearing a crown with the inscription "E Pluribus Unum" above her.
❻The obverse features Lady Liberty wearing a diadem, with her hair falling loosely around her neck. Inscriptions include "E PLURIBUS UNUM," "LIBERTY" on the. Product Details · The obverse features George T. Morgan's famous design.
❻· The reverse design shows a bald eagle clutching onto an olive branch in one claw and a. Obverse: Profile of Liberty wearing a Phrygian cap with the word "Liberty" on her hair band, bordered by "E Pluribus Unum," the date of issue and thirteen.
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Obverse: Shows Liberty, facing left, wearing a Phrygian cap with the word "Liberty" on her hair band. Around the border is the phrase "E Pluribus Unum," the. USA 1 Dollar coins · USA Dollar Morgan S KM# E ∙ PLURIBUS ∙ UNUM LIBERTY coin obverse · USA Dollar Trade S KM# IN GOD WE TRUST LIBERTY.
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