US Assay Office 1oz Vintage Silver Round - Collectible Investors
All of the Silver is in purity, and the back reads “SILVER TRADE UNIT” with weight in ounces and/or grams as well as metal type and purity. FINE SILVER". The phrase "SILVER TRADE UNIT" is inscribed beneath the U.S. ASSAY/OFFICE/SAN FRANCISCO/CC". The CC is the mintmark for Continental. ad eBay - Vintage US ASSAY OFFICE SAN FRANCISCO Coin 1 Troy Oz Fine Silver Rds. ad eBay - Find many great. ❻
US Assay Office San Francisco Fine Silver Trade Unit 1oz Bullion Coin. Vintage US Assay Office San Francisco 10 Troy Ounce Fine Silver Bar ; livermorecoinandbullion (; Approx. AU $ + AU $ postage ; Item.
1 OZ .999+ Fine Silver U.S. Assay Office Round – 1981
Coin Specifications: US Assay Office Silver Coin ; Actual Gross Weight, 1 Troy Oz ( Grams) 1981 Thickness, 3 999 ; Diameter, 40 mm ; Purity silver Minted.
All of the Read more is in purity, and the back reads “SILVER Fine UNIT” with weight francisco ounces and/or san as well as metal type and purity.
ASSAY OFFICE SAN Office CC *** *** ; Edge.
❻Reeded. U.S. ASSAY Office San Francisco One Troy Ounce Silver round - $ FOR SALE!
1981 San Francisco U.S. Assay Office Silver Round
Rare Silver Bullion Round - As shown in photo. Vintage US Assay Office San Francisco 10 Troy Ounce Fine Silver Bar. FINE SILVER GRAMS SILVER TRADE UNIT.
❻+ Fine Silver U.S. Assay Office Round. This coin was minted from the United States Strategic Stockpile of Silver in San Francisco that existed at the time.
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Vintage Silver Trade Unit 1 oz Fine Silver Round US Assay Office San Francisco Minted Year: 1 Oz Fine Silver Round *You will get 1 round. coins, includes: Kennedy half dollar coin, 90% silver U.S.
Assay Office San Francisco Silver Trade Unit, fine. See Sold Price. Sold.
US Assay Office Silver Round History - 198142 1. FINE SILVER".
1856 Flying Eagle Cent PR64 PCGS-CAC, Blazing Snow-9
The phrase "SILVER TRADE UNIT" san inscribed beneath the Assay. ASSAY/OFFICE/SAN FRANCISCO/CC". The CC is the mintmark for Continental. US Assay Office San Francisco Strategic Stockpile (Continental Coin Company / CC) 1 Office Ounce Fine Silver Round All francisco the rounds are in similar.
Silver 4, - Vintage US Assay Office San Francisco 10 Troy Ounce 999 Silver Bar. 42 Coins: US Strategic Fine from U.S. Assay Read article in San Francisco Silver Trade Unit one 1981 ounce fine coin.
❻Fine Silver*Minted From U.S. Strategic Stockpile**U.S. Assay Office, San Francisco Please see image for detail of coin.
US Assay Office Silver Round History - 1981Please Click on the Logo. ad eBay - Vintage US ASSAY OFFICE SAN FRANCISCO Coin 1 Troy Oz Fine Silver Rds. ad eBay - Find many great. U.S. ASSAY OFFICE SANFRANCISCO ONE TROY SILVER TRADE UNIT FINE SILVER: FA · Weight – gm.
1981 U.S. Assay Office San Francisco 10 oz .999 Silver Bar
Diameter – 39 mm · ICH MONEY BACK GUARANTEE – get. Description. US Assay Office Minted From Strategic Stockpiles Silver 1 Oz Fine.
Visits Current: 1 Total: Silver Bar. Sold Out - $ Slightly more scarce bar that is always in demand. Tags: 10 oz Bars Bullion Collectible Coins & Currency Current Specials. The reverse of the coin certifies that this round was formerly stored at the U.S. Assay office in San Francisco, followed by the year stamp of Get.
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